% Notes of the scale of the Great Highland Bagpipe: pitchnamesBagpipe = #`( (lowg . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 4 NATURAL)) (lg . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 4 NATURAL)) (a . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 NATURAL)) (lowa . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 NATURAL)) (la . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 NATURAL)) (b . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 6 NATURAL)) (c . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 0 SHARP)) (d . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 1 NATURAL)) (e . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 2 NATURAL)) (f . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 SHARP)) (g . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 NATURAL)) (highg . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 NATURAL)) (hg . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 NATURAL)) (higha . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 5 NATURAL)) (ha . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 5 NATURAL)) ) pitchnames = \pitchnamesBagpipe % Fiddle with contexts to make things print out correctly % It would be great if we could do the equivalent of "\key a \mixolydian" here \paper { \context { \StaffContext explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #all-invisible } \context { \VoiceContext \override Stem #'direction = #-1 % I'm not convinced that these next two are correct (but % slurs and ties shouldn't be happening anyway) \override Slur #'direction = #1 \override Tie #'direction = #1 } } % Single Grace Notes lgGr = \notes { \grace { lg32 } } aGr = \notes { \grace { a32 } } bGr = \notes { \grace { b32 } } cGr = \notes { \grace { c32 } } dGr = \notes { \grace { d32 } } eGr = \notes { \grace { e32 } } fGr = \notes { \grace { f32 } } gGr = \notes { \grace { g32 } } haGr = \notes { \grace { ha32 } } % Doublings lgDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ lg32 d32] } } aDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ a32 d32] } } bDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ b32 d32] } } cDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ c32 d32] } } dDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ d32 e32] } } eDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ e32 f32] } } fDb = \notes { \grace { g32[ f32 g32] } } % Half Doublings lgDbHalf = \notes { \grace { lg32[ d32] } } aDbHalf = \notes { \grace { a32[ d32] } } bDbHalf = \notes { \grace { b32[ d32] } } cDbHalf = \notes { \grace { c32[ d32] } } dDbHalf = \notes { \grace { d32[ e32] } } eDbHalf = \notes { \grace { e32[ f32] } } fDbHalf = \notes { \grace { f32[ g32] } } haDbHalf = \notes { \grace { ha32[ g32] } } % Doublings from High G lgDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ lg32 d32] } } aDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ a32 d32] } } bDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ b32 d32] } } cDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ c32 d32] } } dDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ d32 e32] } } eDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ e32 f32] } } fDbFromG = \notes { \grace { a32[ f32 g32] } } % Normal Throw on D Throw = \notes { \grace { g32[ d32 c32] } } % Throw on D from low G lgThrow = \notes { \grace { d32[ c32] } } % Grip Grip = \notes { \grace { lg32[ d32 lg32] } } % Normal Birl Birl = \notes { \grace { a32[ lg32 a32 lg32] } } % Birl with a G Gracenote gBirl = \notes { \grace { g32[ a32 lg32 a32 lg32] } } % Birl with a D Gracenote dBirl = \notes { \grace { d32[ a32 lg32 a32 lg32] } } % G-gracenote plus Echo on various melody notes bEcho = \notes { \grace { g32[ b32 lg32] } } cEcho = \notes { \grace { g32[ c32 lg32] } } dEcho = \notes { \grace { g32[ d32 lg32] } } dEchoC = \notes { \grace { g32[ d32 c32] } } eEcho = \notes { \grace { g32[ e32 lg32] } } % Normal Taorluath Taor = \notes { \grace { lg32[ d32 lg32 e32] } } % Taorluath from D dTaor = \notes { \grace { lg32[ b32 lg32 e32] } } % Normal Crunluath Crun = \notes { \grace { lg32[ d32 lg32 e32 a32 f32 a32 ] } } % Crunluath from D dCrun = \notes { \grace { lg32[ b32 lg32 e32 a32 f32 a32 ] } } \version "2.2.4"